LIED TO-BE - 14 Октября 2011 - Блог - Сайт клана [Electro]^[Tm]
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 Groom Philip tells parents his girl is 21 when she=s really 43


LOVER boy Philip Pendlington, 20, is to wed a divorcee of 43 - after fibbing to his parents that she=s only 21.

Philip=s family even sent 21st birthday cards to his sweetheart Pat Higgings.

But now he plans to reveal the truth to his mother Linda 45, and father Mike, 48.

Pat said: AI=m not sure how Philip=s parents will take this.

AThey know we=re getting married and are happy about that. But they think I=m just a youngster like Philip.

AIt=s not the easiest thing in the world to admit you are virtually the same age as your new mother-in-law.@

The Tyneside couple met in April last year at Newcastle University, where Philip is on a biology course and Pat is a mature student.

They soon started living together in Throckley, Newcastle.


But Pat -who has a daughter of 24 from a marriage which ended 13 years ago- feared that the age gap between her and Philip would upset his parents.

Pat said: AI just wanted them to get to know me as a person before they found out my age.

AI have dated men my own age. But I find them boring. Philip keeps me young at heart.@ Philip said: AI=m a quiet guy. Girls my age expect men to be witty and talk all the time. Pat just wanted to get to know me.

AI thought that she was about 20. So it was a bit of a shock when she told me she was almost as old as my mother. I couldn=t help but laugh.@ Pat said: AI was nervous about telling him my age but it didn=t seem to make a difference.

AI still felt like a teenager in love, with weak knees, a pounding heart and all that. I knew he was the one.@
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